PSY 9th Album Review/Initial Thoughts
It’s been a long and gruelling wait, but it’s finally happened. After an initial announcement in 2019 and three years of radio silence, ‘PSY 9th’ has been released at last. After previously writing an overview of his career and 10 songs you should hear that aren’t ‘Gangnam Style’ on my old Wordpress blog, I knew reviewing his latest album was definitely on the table as a must. Being unable to understand most of the lyrics would prove to be a barrier however, so I opted for a format more free flowing and less restrictive for my review.
It could be considered as my first solo “podcast”, though I view it more of an extended review. It was recorded via an Instagram Live stream started at midnight before extracting the audio and cutting it down from 71 minutes in duration to 56 minutes, with some afterthoughts added during the editing process. I loved the idea of spontaneity and using my corner of the internet to voice my thoughts and feelings on something I’d been waiting so long for. It surprised me I could talk for so long about one album, and begins with the simple question of “why PSY?”
You can hear all my initial thoughts on the album itself and each track, as I kept to my usual track by track format, by hearing my review below. I truly hope you find the time to check the album out yourself, and hope you enjoy my review too. I had a lot of fun using this format and would love to do more reviews of this kind in the future, when the written word cannot contain or constitute my thoughts and feelings.